How To Become A Landscape Labourer?

Landscape labourers as the name represent are the individuals responsible for working outside the properties to ensure that the aesthetics are well maintained. These people usually work in the lawns, patios, decks and gardens for enhancing and improving the feature of these. The job requires labourer jobs in Sydney to use variety of tools such as the hand tools, and some power tools. The salaries also depend on the area and the type of the landscape labour. If you want to become a landscape labourer then you need to know about the education you require, the skill set and what duties you will be assigned to once you become one.


Although there is no formal qualification requirement for this kind of the job but if someone has the diploma then it would add up to their resume and would certainly increase their chances to get recruited. Although if you want to become a supervisor of the landscape labourer right from the start then you require a college education.

The skill set:

As mentioned earlier, the landscape labourer needs to use variety of tools and physical effort and stamina is required therefore, a person with good physical strength is suitable for this job. Not only this but they may need to work in a team and therefore, the person must have the team spirit and must be focused to avoid any mistakes. The one primary skill is the grip and control of hands because of the use of the hand tools.

The duties of the landscape labourer:

The main role of these people is to either construct, repair or maintain the landscapes in the property and this could lead to the tasks of removing the bushes and dead trees on the landscapes as well mowing and trimming various part of the lawns.

The opportunities:

There are public and private firms who hire the landscape labourer and they could also work independently. The pay scale could vary from the firm to firm and usually the large companies pay well but the job of the landscape labourer is seasonal and therefore, the landscape labourer must have some additional skills to get a job around the year.

There is good growth in this profession if a landscape labourer sticks to it because in some years he could be promoted to the leader or supervisor of the crew but for that he must have good management and leading skills. In some cases, the certifications help the landscape labourer to introduce their work to bigger markets and customers and these also help them to earn more and get more work in the market.